My Sixth Shot at a Station Remodel
at the New QTH!
Updated on X JUL MMXI
Pretty cold in the basement. A thermometer on the wall reads 50 degrees F, in the winter. I need to bundle up for winter operating. I have quite a bit of natural insulation! The gray box on the right (in the lower picture) with the big meter is a solid state amp of interest. It was made by "Metron" in the early 80s.It's called the "A1000". Metron used to make a 500 Watt mobile amp in the 80s and maybe the 90s. They took the mobile amp and put it in a box with an unregulated power supply. I have only seen two of these, and this is S/N 001. If anyone has one, email me so we can compare notes. It weighs almost as much as the Alpha! So, Watts per pound the Alpha is a lot better. WAØSYS is my old call. I also had to bring in power for the equipment. Conduit brings in a 240v @ 30A circuit and two 120v circuits @ 20A each.
The receive "Audio Pile" is to my lower left.
This is Big Ugly at the operating position. I don't why, but it always seems a little dark in here!
The small roll around cabinet on its back, holds two Lambda 80 Amp power supplies. These are more than enough
to handle my 13.8 Vdc needs, plus a Bird dummy load that can handle the Alpha.
on Dec. 10, 2007!!
I get up the TH3 and tower, with good ground crew help (the XYL)!
This spring I modified a Mosley MP33, into a 17 Meter Monoband Yagi and stacked above the TH3 Mk4
added mast for stacking
The tower is an el-cheapo Rohn 6. These towers are hard to climb, because of the 24" spacing on the rungs. I decided
to build a "Home Brew" Hazer. It seems to be working, so far. I'll post a picture of the winch, when I un-kludge it!
This G5RV is all I could get up before the weather turned. It shows up good with ice on it. It is now my permanent 80 - 40 antenna.
My temporary VHF/UHF antenna with a nice coat of ice!
The "Alpha 87A Omega" is number 18 of the last 20 produced by Alpha Radio Products. My XYL worked for Alpha until we moved to Ohio in April 2006. The amp was a retirement gift from my XYL. The nice part is that the folks at Alpha signed the inside of the lid (including my XYL). Even Molly signed at the top (WØMOM). You may have noticed that the last 20 have a Gold Plated tank circuit. Shiny, Huh!  I took the pics during transformer install.